
class spatialdata.dataloader.ImageTilesDataset(sdata, regions_to_images, regions_to_coordinate_systems, tile_scale=1.0, tile_dim_in_units=None, rasterize=False, return_annotations=None, table_name=None, transform=None, rasterize_kwargs=mappingproxy({}))# for loading tiles from a spatialdata.SpatialData object.

By default, the dataset returns a spatialdata.SpatialData object, but when return_annotations is not None, the dataset returns a tuple containing:

  • the tile image, centered in the target coordinate system of the region.

  • a vector or scalar value from the table.

  • sdata (SpatialData) – The spatialdata.SpatialData object.

  • regions_to_images (dict[str, str]) – A mapping between regions (labels, shapes) and images. The regions’ centroids will be the tile centers, while the images will be used to get the pixel values.

  • regions_to_coordinate_systems (dict[str, str]) – A mapping between regions and coordinate systems. The coordinate systems are used to transform both the centroid coordinates of the regions and the images.

  • tile_scale (float (default: 1.0)) –

    This parameter is used to determine the size (width and height) of the tiles. Each tile will have size in units equal to tile_scale times the diameter of the circle that approximates (=same area) the region that defines the tile.

    For example, suppose the regions to be multiscale labels; this is how the tiles are created:

    1. for each tile, each label region is approximated with a circle with the same area of the label region.

    2. The tile is then created as having the width/height equal to the diameter of the circle, multiplied by tile_scale.

    If tile_dim_in_units is passed, tile_scale is ignored.

  • tile_dim_in_units (Optional[float] (default: None)) – The dimension of the requested tile in the units of the target coordinate system. This specifies the extent of the tile; this parameter is not related to the size in pixel of each returned tile. If tile_dim_in_units is passed, tile_scale is ignored.

  • rasterize (bool (default: False)) – If True, the images are rasterized using spatialdata.rasterize() into the target coordinate system; this applies the coordinate transformations to the data. If False, the images are queried using spatialdata.bounding_box_query() from the pixel coordinate system; this back-transforms the target tile into the pixel coordinates. If the back-transformed tile is not aligned with the pixel grid, the returned tile will correspond to the bounding box of the back-transformed tile (so that the returned tile is axis-aligned to the pixel grid).

  • return_annotations (Union[str, list[str], None] (default: None)) – If not None, one or more values from the table are returned together with the image tile in a tuple. Only columns in anndata.AnnData.obs and anndata.AnnData.X can be returned. If None, it will return a SpatialData object with the table consisting of the row that annotates the region from which the tile was extracted.

  • table_name (Optional[str] (default: None)) – The name of the table in the SpatialData object to be used for the annotations. Currently only a single table is supported. If you have multiple tables, you can concatenate them into a single table that annotates multiple regions.

  • transform (Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] (default: None)) – A data transformations (for instance, a normalization operation; not to be confused with a coordinate transformation) to be applied to the image and the table value. It is a Callable, with Any as return type, that takes as input the (image, table_value) tuple (when return_annotations is not None) or a Callable that takes as input the SpatialData object (when return_annotations is None).

  • rasterize_kwargs (Mapping[str, Any] (default: mappingproxy({}))) – Keyword arguments passed to spatialdata.rasterize() if rasterize is True. This argument can be used in particular to choose the pixel dimension of the produced image tiles; please refer to the spatialdata.rasterize() documentation for this use case.

Returns: for loading tiles from a spatialdata.SpatialData.

Attributes table#






List of coordinate systems in the dataset.


DataFrame with the metadata of the tiles.


AnnData table filtered by the region and cs present in the dataset.


Dimensions of the dataset.


List of regions in the dataset.


The original SpatialData object.


DataFrame with the index of tiles.

Methods table#


ImageTilesDataset.CS_KEY = 'cs'#
ImageTilesDataset.IMAGE_KEY = 'image'#
ImageTilesDataset.INSTANCE_KEY = 'instance_id'#
ImageTilesDataset.REGION_KEY = 'region'#

List of coordinate systems in the dataset.


DataFrame with the metadata of the tiles.

It contains the following columns:

  • instance: the name of the instance in the region.

  • cs: the coordinate system of the region-image pair.

  • region: the name of the region.

  • image: the name of the image.


AnnData table filtered by the region and cs present in the dataset.


Dimensions of the dataset.


List of regions in the dataset.


The original SpatialData object.


DataFrame with the index of tiles.

It contains axis coordinates of the centroids, and extent of the tiles. For example, for a 2D image, it contains the following columns:

  • x: the x coordinate of the centroid.

  • y: the y coordinate of the centroid.

  • extent: the extent of the tile.

  • minx: the minimum x coordinate of the tile.

  • miny: the minimum y coordinate of the tile.

  • maxx: the maximum x coordinate of the tile.

  • maxy: the maximum y coordinate of the tile.
